Village By-election (27 November 2011) - Notices
Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation - Notice of Result of Election - Village By-election - Election of Indigenous Inhabitant Representative for Indigenous Village – Luk Keng Chan Uk (2 December 2011)
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Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation - Notice of Result of Election - Village By-election - Election of Resident Representative for Existing Village – Tong Hang (Upper)(2 December 2011)
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Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation - Notice of Result of Election - Village By-election - Election of Indigenous Inhabitant Representative for Indigenous Village – Ping Chau Tai Tong (2 December 2011)
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Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation - Notice of Result of Election - Village By-election - Election of Indigenous Inhabitant Representative for Indigenous Village –Yuen Kong San Tsuen (2 December 2011)
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Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg. L) (Section 27 and 28 of the Regulation) - Village By-election - Election of Indigenous Inhabitant Representative for Indigenous Village and Composite Indigenous Village-- Notice of Designation of Polling Stations, Alternative Polling Stations, Dedicated Polling Stations, Counting Stations and Appointment of Polling Hours (11 November 2011)
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Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg. L) (Section 27 and 28 of the Regulation) - Village By-election - Election of Resident Representative for Existing Village-- Notice of Designation of Polling Stations, Alternative Polling Stations, Dedicated Polling Stations, Counting Stations and Appointment of Polling Hours (11 November 2011)
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Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation (Section 15 of the Regulation) -
Notice of Nominations (11 November 2011)
Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg. L) (Sections 15 and 16 of the Regulation) -
Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Elections (11 November 2011)
Village Representative Election Ordinance (Cap. 576) (Section 29(2) of the Ordinance) Village By-election-Notice of Failure of Election (11 November 2011)

Village Representative Election Ordinance (Chapter 576) - Village By-election - Indigenous Inhabitant Representative - Appointment of Returning Officers (14 October 2011)

Village Representative Election Ordinance (Chapter 576) - Village By-election - Resident Representative - Appointment of Returning Officers (14 October 2011)

Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg. L) (Section 6 of the Regulation) - Notice of Village By-election - Indigenous Inhabitant Representative - Date of By-election: 27 November 2011 (14 October 2011)

Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg. L) (Section 6 of the Regulation) - Notice of Village By-election - Resident Representative - Date of By-election: 27 November 2011 (14 October 2011)