Village By-election (26 May 2013) - List of Candidates & Text Version of Introduction to Candidates (PDF form)(if the Candidates have provided the relevant information)
The period of candidate nomination for the By-election (26 May 2013) is from 11 April 2013 - 24 April 2013.
Please follow the action guide below to make access to the information of nominated candidates.
Action Guide
To view the nominated candidates, please follow the steps below:
- click "List of Candidates" below to enter the district map; then click the district selected to enter the page of the chosen district, comprising the respective rural committees.
- click the rural committee selected to enter the page of the chosen rural committee, comprising the respective villages.
- click the village selected to view the candidates nominated for Indigenous Inhabitant Representative Election and/or Resident Representative Election of the chosen village.
(Note: The districts, rural committees and villages are arranged in alphabetical order.)