Village By-election (15 December 2013) - Results
For making access to the polling results, please click the icon below:
Chuk Yuen (Results for the IIR for Indigenous Village By-election)
Pak Kong (Results for the RR for Existing Village By-election)
Sai O (Results for the IIR for Indigenous Village By-election)
Mong Tseng Tsuen (Results for the RR for Existing Village By-election)
Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg. L) (Sections 15 and 16 of the Regulation) -
Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Elections (22 November 2013)
Village Representative Election Ordinance (Cap. 576) (Section 29(2) of the Ordinance)
Village By-election-Notice of Failure of Election (22 November 2013)

Chuk Yuen (Results for the IIR for Indigenous Village By-election)

Pak Kong (Results for the RR for Existing Village By-election)

Sai O (Results for the IIR for Indigenous Village By-election)

Mong Tseng Tsuen (Results for the RR for Existing Village By-election)
Electoral Procedure (Village Representative Election) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg. L) (Sections 15 and 16 of the Regulation) -
Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Elections (22 November 2013)
Village Representative Election Ordinance (Cap. 576) (Section 29(2) of the Ordinance)
Village By-election-Notice of Failure of Election (22 November 2013)