Rural By-election (30 April 2017) – Notices
Electoral Procedure (Rural Representative Election) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg. L) (Sections 15 and 16 of the Regulation)--Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Elections--Rural By-Election Election of Resident Representative Hang Hau Rural Committee

Electoral Procedure (Rural Representative Election) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg. L) (Sections 15 and 16 of the Regulation)--Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Elections--Rural By-Election Election of Resident Representative Tai Po Rural Committee

Electoral Procedure (Rural Representative Election) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg. L) (Sections 15 and 16 of the Regulation)--Notice of Nominations and Duly Elected Candidates in Uncontested Elections--Rural By-Election Election of Resident Representative Ma Wan Rural Committee

Rural Representative Election Ordinance (Chapter 576) - Rural By-election - Resident Representative - Appointment of Returning Officer (10 March 2017)

Electoral Procedure (Rural Representative Election) Regulation (Cap. 541 sub. leg. L) (Section 6 of the Regulation) - Notice of Rural By-election - Resident Representative - Date of By-election: 30 April 2017 (10 March 2017)