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Public Services


Introduction to Youth Development Programme


The Youth Development Programme (YDP) is a community building campaign which aims to foster a culture of multi-faceted excellence and nurture young people with vision, creativity, leadership and a sense of commitment through structured, diversified and sustainable youth activities, with a view to empowering and equipping young people to:

  1. realise their capabilities and potentials, and pursue healthy interests;
  2. understand and experience interpersonal relationships; and
  3. understand their communities and develop a stronger sense of belonging and commitment to the community; and
  4. enhance their national and civic awareness

Target Participants

Young people aged between 6 and 29 in Hong Kong are eligible for the activities. While the majority within this age group are students, YDP activities do not focus their targets on students. The content and programme time of YDP activities should rather be designed to cater for the needs of students, working youths and young people from all sectors.


YDP seeks to provide young people from all sectors of the community with adequate opportunities to come together and enjoy leisure, sports and recreational and cultural activities. Applicant organisations and schools should encourage young people to participate in community affairs and promote their sense of civic responsibility. Balanced development is vital in nurturing young people to be future leaders. Objectives of YDP are as follows:

  1. to teach young people proper values;
  2. to foster a closer relationship between young people and the community;
  3. to develop young people’s cultural literacy by promoting arts and cultural activities;
  4. to encourage young people to do more exercise, develop team spirit and sportsmanship by promoting sports activities;
  5. to help young people prepare for future challenges by providing them with training opportunities; and
  6. to strengthen young people’s national and civic awareness and sense of belonging to the country and Hong Kong.

Categories of Activities

YDP activities are funded by the Home Affairs Department and implemented in 18 districts:

  1. Summer General Activities;
  2. Year-round District Youth Activities and
  3. Territory-wide/Cross-district Youth Development Activities